Facts & Stats

TV sees 9% increase in revenues in Q1 2024

TV sees 9% increase in revenues in Q1 2024 and TV viewing has recorded a very strong start to 2024.


Broadcasters to audit BVOD Player Completion Rates

TAM Ireland has appointed ABC to conduct an audit of commercials on Broadcaster Video On Demand (BVOD) to confirm the AV Play Completion Rate. All players will be audited by ABC over the coming months and the bar is set very high – the agreed metric is that on average at least 95% of commercial AV Plays are fully completed - viewed 100%.


TAM Ireland release 1st six months data from Total Video Panel 

TAM Ireland along with Nielsen have been building a Total Video Panel that represents the viewing activity across All Devices and All Services in TV Households with a Fixed Broadband Connection.  The collected data is based on actual viewing activity and the viewing is metered in 450 households, across all devices in the household.  This is a very exciting development for the industry and the findings from the first 6 months of this year reveal the viewing habits of the nation across all video for the first time


TV jargon buster

Here you can find a glossary of terms that are used when speaking about broadcaster TV and the measurement of TV audiences. 


TV advertising is for everyone

A limited budget does not mean a limited TV campaign. Check out our data that details the number of advertisers by TV spend in Ireland 2022 and shows that advertisers large and small embraced the power of TV advertising


TV can make your brand famous

Linear TV is proven to deliver outstanding effectiveness with a still huge audience and reliable ROI. While a brands sales volume and resulting position on the Checkout Top 100 Brands list can influenced by a huge number of factors- marketing, environmental, consumer, financial- looking that this year’s Checkout Top 100 Brands list we can see the point reinforced. We looked at the Checkout Top 100 brands in Ireland and examined the impact TV advertising may have had on their Top 100 ranking.


Ecommerce businesses invested heavily in TV advertising in Ireland in 2021

Ecommerce businesses invested heavily in TV advertising in Ireland in 2021. Online businesses as a category was in 3rd place in terms of share of TV impacts delivered. Check out the slides now


Ireland’s Top 100 brands embrace TV advertising

With the COVID-19 crisis and Brexit causing unprecedented upheaval for the industry TAM Ireland looked at the Checkout top 100 brands in Ireland and examined the impact that changes to their TV advertising may have had on their current Top 100 ranking and into the future. 


TV Advertising: Nickable Charts Ireland 2021 edition

The essential facts and stats that every marketer needs to know about TV advertising in Ireland. Explore this deck full of useful charts, facts and figures to support any presentation.


Ireland’s Top 100 FMCG brands and TV advertising

The Checkout Top 100 Brands ranking is a showcase of the biggest players in Ireland’s FMCG sector. Being included on the list, is a huge achievement for any brand and maintaining and indeed, increasing your brand’s position on the list is an even bigger feat.  This year TAM Ireland wanted to explore the relation between the Top brands in Ireland and TV advertising. Read our findings here.


TV captures the attention of your target audience

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